India’s prestigious National Scholarship Programme – National Talent Search Examination, known as the NTSE is an opportunity for ambitious students to pursue education in Science and Social Science streams. Aspirants wishing to crack NTSE require an effective preparation strategy along with being aware about the exam syllabus and exam pattern. The exam is conducted in...Read More
Communication is the key to success. Effective communication skills allow you to convey a message properly, form connections, and motivate people. One of the most important forms of communication is public speaking. While public speaking may be walk in the park for some children, not all are comfortable with speaking up in front of a...Read More
The STEAM education curriculum is the buzz word in the education industry. STEAM is simply an advancement of the STEM curriculum of education, where schools impart knowledge to students in the streams of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. STEM education focuses on a practical rather than theoretical approach and includes education by hands-on learning, model...Read More
Being a parent, the onus of helping your child finding his/her passion falls on you. As parents, you would take care to enroll your child in an established school, sign them up for the best co-curricular activities, and ensure you are able to provide the best for them. However, one nagging question that parents face...Read More
A successful student needs to be good in everything, i.e., he/she has to be an all-rounder. First, let us understand who an all-rounder is. An all-rounder is a person who performs well in academics, takes part in sports, and participates in co-curricular activities. It is not difficult to become an app-rounder, but it requires a...Read More
Effective communication for kids is an important skill that will be useful in their life. Along with reading and writing, conversing which includes speaking and listening is essential for a child’s growth. The manner in which your child speaks and listens will make a huge difference in shaping their personality. The most common question that...Read More
Each child is different and each child will have a different way of learning and understanding information. Similarly, children are delicate and from a parent’s perspective, children are the apple of their eye. So, it is highly obvious that parents take immense care in providing for their children. When it comes to education, parents take...Read More