Testing Acids and Bases by using Turmeric – Yashwin Grade VII – Science Activity

Introduction- This experiment is conducted to verify the presence of acids and bases by using different household items and the way they react when they come in contact with the indicators. Acids have been defined as the hydrogen-containing substance that is capable of donating the same i.e. a hydrogen ion to another substance.  Examples of acids include citric acid, acetic acid, lactic acid, etc.  On the other hand, bases have been defined as the substances that are capable of gaining the hydrogen ion and when these substances react with acids, they form salts.  Examples of bases include potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, etc.  To test the presence of acids and bases in various substances, indicators are used.  Indicators have been defined as the substances that either react or do not react in the presence of acids or bases by changing their color.  Examples of indicators including, middle orange, China rose, litmus paper, turmeric, etc.  In the following experiment, we have made use of turmeric. 

Required items– for this experiment, two substances containing acids i.e. Vinegar (with acetic acid and lemon juice (with citric acid).  Two substances containing bases have been used i.e. soap solution (with sodium hydroxide) and detergent (with sodium hydroxide).  As mentioned above, the indicator used in this experiment is turmeric solution. 

To detect the presence of acids in vinegar and lemon juice, a turmeric solution is mixed with lemon juice.  After doing so, we can observe that the color of the turmeric solution remains the same and there is no effect on the same.  This represents that the indicators do not change color or react to the presence of acids. 

Similarly, to detect the presence of bases in soap solution/detergent, turmeric solution is mixed with the same.  After doing so, it can be observed that the turmeric (indicator) changes the color from yellow (original color) to red indicating the presence of a base (sodium hydroxide) in the soap solution. 

Next, to understand the neutralization reaction, acid i.e. lemon juice is added to the turmeric-soap solution mixture.  We can observe that as soon as lemon juice is added to the mixture (turmeric-soap basic solution), the color of this mixture turns back to the original color i.e. yellow.  The combining of acid with a base, led to neutralization and thereby resulted in the change of color back from red to yellow. 

Conclusion- Therefore, from the above experiment we can deduce that when an indicator comes in contact with acids, it does not react or changes its color.  But when the indicator comes in contact with the base, there is a reaction and the indicator changes its color to red.  Lastly, the mixing of acid and bases to an indicator can reverse the reaction i.e. neutralize the same. 

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