Should I Learn Technology in School?

Over the years, educational pedagogy has changed a lot. Technology has come into the picture where there were earlier only blackboards and chalks. Technology has become crucial in all walks of life with the onset of COVID-19. But there is always a question running at the back of our ends, how important is technology, and is technology important for education.

There are a set of people who are against the idea of technology in education. However, technology is everywhere these days and it cannot be ignored in education. 

So, in this article, we tell you why technology in the classroom is good and how it helps in education.

Here are the top 6 reasons why technology is good for students in the classroom.

  1. Students have their own pace of learning

The conventional mode of classroom teaching makes it difficult for students to learn at their own pace. It is common knowledge that students need their space and have their own pace of learning. When technology is part of education, this hindrance is eliminated. It gives students the space to learn slowly, revise lessons at their own pace, and also allows fast-learners to study ahead. 

  1. The need of the hour

Students interact with technology and spend their time outside of the classroom with technology. When there is technology in all other parts of their life, then technology in education will simply make education easier for them. 

  1. Boundaries are eliminated

When technology comes into the picture, the walls of education are pulled down. Students and teachers can access information outside of textbooks and the whole learning environment has been changed. This is all thanks to technology in education. This has also made embracing experiential learning easier. The resource limitations are eliminated and anyone can access any information at any time.

  1. Kids are familiar with technology

Kids are more comfortable and familiar with technology than adults. There are kids who teach their parents how to navigate through a smartphone and laptop. It has become a critical part of their lifestyle. So, they will be more comfortable learning with technology as part of education. Working with technology in the classroom will also help them build their multi-tasking skills, which is crucial in this age.

  1. Sea of resources available

With technology in education, teachers are not dealing with only the textbooks, chalks, and the blackboard. They are exposed to a multitude of teaching resources which helps them improve their teaching quality. Each kid is unique and has a different learning style. Using technology and the different features and games available ensures that each kid is comfortable in learning. 

  1. Technology is here to stay

Whether we like it or not, technology is here to stay and it is a part and parcel of our daily life. So, it is better to acquaint your children with technology right from a young age. By using technology in education, we expose them to the right manner of using technology and we sow this seed at an early stage. More than that, once kids finish school and college, they have to face a technology-driven world when they start working. To make working with technology easier, if they are exposed to technology right in school, they will find it easier when they start working. 

If schools are still debating the use of technology in education, then the time has come for them to stop debating and start implementing technology. The medium of learning has changed and the mode of learning is also changing. So, the time is right to adopt technology in education for maximum benefits. 

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