Communication is the key to success. Effective communication skills allow you to convey a message properly, form connections, and motivate people. One of the most important forms of communication is public speaking. While public speaking may be walk in the park for some children, not all are comfortable with speaking up in front of a crowd. This means that not all children will be ready to voice out their thoughts and convey their opinion on any issue.
Public speaking is a vital skill that one has to learn. As a child, we are not exposed to public speaking as most of school days involve reading and writing. Growing into adults, fear and hesitation overcome our desire to speak up in front of others. So, the best time to inculcate and practice public speaking is at a young age in schools. While public speaking is not mandated as a subject by schools and students are not graded on it, public speaking helps in the holistic development of children and prepares them better for life when they enter the society.
In this article, we will tell you 5 reasons why public speaking skills are important for children and should be instilled from a young age.
5 Reasons why Public Speaking is Important for Children
- Improve listening skills
Public speaking is not simply conveying what one has in mind. It also includes listening to what others have to say and respond appropriately. Building public speaking skills will improve one’s listening skills. By becoming a better listener, one will be able to capture the different viewpoints of people and understand the various facets involved. Learning listening skills from school will teach children to listen patiently to what the opposite side has to say and teach them empathy.
- Courage to speak up
One has to have confidence in him/her and have the courage to speak up in any situation. When children are not presented with an opportunity to speak up, they will never learn how to take part in a discussion and what etiquettes are to be followed while speaking in front of a group. School days is the right time for children to practice public speaking. This is when even the shy students will not be afraid to try something new and willingly take up chances to involve in speaking. Public speaking helps children to learn to voice out their opinions from a young age and brings about a huge change in the personality of the children.
- Improves academic performance
As children enter higher classes, their academics would require them to give presentations and give speeches. This is when public speaking will come in handy. It provides a boost to the child’s academic performance and help them stand out as exceptional speakers amidst their peers. Such practice of speaking in public from school will help your child to easily speak up in office meetings and discussions.
- Eliminates fear
The fear of public speaking is huge. If a student is able to build confidence and overcome the fear of public speaking, it will help him/her to overcome other fears too. Overcoming one fear will motivate a child and give them the confidence that they will be able to overcome their other fear.
- Makes a better leader
Public speaking prepares children for the future. Critical thinking and sound judgement are key skills in all facets of life. Learning public speaking helps children to inculcate these skills too which come prove useful as they grow. This will also establish oneself as a better lead. The capacity to lead a group of people means the capacity to capture the attention of people with speaking. Some of our greatest leaders were also established public speakers. Leaders need to be charming and compelling. Learning public speaking also includes children being introduced to behave charismatically and talk in a compelling manner. This will help them become the leaders of tomorrow.
Equipped children with public speaking skills will not only help them in school, but it would be a lifelong gift for your child. This skill will be useful to them at every turn in life. Being prepared to speak in front of a group will help your child’s confidence and their ability to think and help them lead a better and open life.